Community Bank North Richmond and Richmond

You Love the Hawkesbury , we do too.

Opened in  2002 after the last major bank departed North Richmond , our Community Bank Branch was established by locals , is owned by locals and run by locals.

The Hawkesbury has a strong tradition of community spirit that is never more evident than when we come together to get something done. Whether it’s the Rural Fire Services helping to protect our lives and property , the local sports team helping our children develop and grow , or hard working disability groups that look after our most vulnerable. In such a large area we are all aware how much we rely on community groups and services. 

Community banking is a ‘profit-for-purpose’ model, meaning surplus profits are returned directly to the community that has generated them. Since 2006  we are proud to say we have been able to fulfill this charter and have returned funding of over $2.4 million back into the Hawkesbury Community. 

Our ability to continue contributing funds  into the community is only made possible by residents making the choice to Bank with us. Your Home Loan , Savings Account , Business Account can have a direct impact on your community. Support the bank supporting your community.

Community Investment Program


Our sponsorship applications are open from January to November each year , with the goal of providing much needed financial support to our community Not for Profit organisations.

Our sponsorships are considered and approved on a monthly basis with applications closing on the second Wednesday of each month. Applications received after this date will be considered in the following month.

We do not offer sponsorships for individuals.


Aimed at assisting our Youth in furthering their education applications for our  University Bachelor of Degree and Tafe Scholarships are open from November – January . Offered to students from 17-25 yrs entering their first year of Tafe or University.

Keep up to date with our upcoming community investment programs, by visiting our Facebook or Instagram page.

Current Rounds